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Sausage knowhow for California (USA)

(Kommentare: 0)

Course participant

A couple who wants to emigrate to California

Participant's interests

The participants' father and father-in-law had previously a sausage production business in Asia. Since then he has moved to California for business reasons. He'd like to start again there with the sausage production with his daughter and son-in-law.
For this purpose, he'd like them both to learn the basics from me.
He'd also like to have used German machines sent to the USA for sausage production.

Training contents at the butchery

In close consultation with the father, we develop a course program in two sections:
1st section:
Overview of production for traditional German products, such as Leberkäse, Wiener, Weißwurst, Fleischwurst.
2nd section (4 weeks later)
Reviewing and broadening the learned contents, plus assistance on buying used machines; research on used machines; viewing the machines together; assessing whether the machines are suitable for the project


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